
البوست الافتتاحي
البوست الافتتاحي اجا متأخر شوي .... بس بسيطة ... مقبولة منّي ...
ونترككم مع التفاصيل :
I actually dunno if this is the beginning of the end or it is the end of the beginning … but I have always been curious about blogging and bloggers, I decided to have my own blog…
Lah … 3an jad … men zaman wel fekra mawjoodeh bas taraktha testwei 3ala nar hadyeh … 3a$an a6la3 bel a5er b e$i mrattab … :)
El 2ossa o ma feha enni 7abbeh a7o6 shwait 5awater o monawa3at jamma3tha men zaman … m3 shwait dailies men hal 7ayat el 3'areebeh naw3an ma … 3ala shwait mel7 o bhar … u know lozoom el sho3'ol !!! o sa7ten o 3afeyh…
Anywayzz wish me luck … cuz I need it :)


salool said…
Ahala o Sahla yamma ...
welcome la 3alam el blogs ...
o b5 ???
Mona said…
hala beeki !
elli besma3 be2ool 3endek masna3 blogat !!!

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