Life From Another Point Of View

Here is something I wrote during my first year at university , It may sound a little strange and maybe not everybody will be able to understand it , because I was talking about a specific case or because these are just my amazing thoughts , take a look and see how abnormal life can be …
Life is like a huge ocean … and you are a ship surfing in it … everything in your life is on that ship ; your friends and your feelings … everything … so you have to keep your ship in balance … I mean you shouldn’t put on the ship a lot of things and when you want to have another thing you won’t find anyplace for it … here is a nice example : when you study too much , which by the way doesn’t happen ! , but imagine that you once studied too much , let’s assume that you have an exam the next day … and after you finished studying you wanted to watch a movie then go to sleep … so when you watched the movie you unconsciously chose to put that movie on your ship but then the ship became overloaded so again unconsciously you threw some of the studying notes so you can continue the movie , and your ship won’t sink … what I wanted to say is that sometimes we don’t care a lot about our ships … I mean when it comes to feelings there is always enough room for a new person with new feeling … but when we have two different feelings for the same person, some warning occurs … but you can’t do anything about it … you can’t just throw another feeling … because it won’t help ; there is a room for a person with his/her one ONLY one feeling … so what should you do ? … you can’t do anything … and here is exactly where life get involved … life just decide which feeling you should keep and throw the other one in the ocean …but it sometimes doesn’t choose the right feeling to keep … anyway throwing a feeling will cause a lot of disturbance in the ocean … which will certainly cause disturbance on your ship … which will make you unhappy for a while … hope you got what I was talking about …


Anonymous said…
Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.
Anonymous said…
Thanks. Im Inspired again.
Mona said…
pcsolotto ... u r welcome
Anonymous said…
the pic is super nice
i couldn't get anything from what u were talkin about
but i got that life is sooo damn hard
anyway ... nice post sweety
keep it up
Anonymous said…
nice post....actually its really damn good!!!!!!!& u know what????!!! i think that i've got what u were talkin' about,i got it really right.
just so u know: thorwing a feeling is not that easy, actually i maybe can hold..... no no body can hold in front two feelings blaze his/her guts.....keep up & enjoy stain' in SY

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