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A very unusual Love Story ...

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Anonymous said…
Monaaaaaaaaa i'll read it later
taweeeeeleh o el 5a6 s3'eeeeeer kteeer .
bs i'm sure it's super nice , l2enha ten2ayetek ;)
Anonymous said…
I read it, &.....
its fantastic, I mean relly good...gourgeous!!!! I just love it!
but What about u? since i'm visting ur blog & its full of sad things, u r not like this,... i feel that u r suffering from something...but u should keep seeing the full half.... u know..... i guess u need to talk &...i alos need to talk
Anonymous said…
Nice story ,

MHM ... Who the heck are you ???
u seem like u don't know mona at all ...
Anonymous said…
hey u dalya:
first of all hi to u cuz u r muna's friend, actually i know her since 3 years & she is my best friend but u don't know me & so do i, how told u i don't know her &.....whatever, but believe me i know her bretty well,bye

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