That's it, I officially give up...

When it seems so dark, and feels so sad

When everything happens makes life so bad

Should I stop breathing, or shouldn't I care

But that's not right … it's so unfair

And everything screams come' on try, dare

Is it just me … or that's life; a huge nightmare

I can't believe it; it's like living in a big stupid lie

It takes you to the top, and makes you feel high

Then suddenly gets you down, and makes you wanna cry

But you have to fight, you have to try, you've got to be strong

You must prevent it from making your life so wrong

Don't lose the hope, don't become angry or mad

Pull yourself together, you have to understand

But I can't … it hurts … it's so damn hard

It strikes my soul, like a sword in the heart

Well it's life; a bunch of strange phenomena

To survive you must have some sort of stamina

Or you can just wait, watch and drink seven-up

Like an order to stay down, don't raise your voice, don't stand up

Stay calm … don't say a thing – in other words – shut your mouth up

I can't take it anymore, that's it, now I announce that I officially GIVE UP


Anonymous said…
Gr8 words Muna ..
jad Keep up the good work ; )
P.s: i cant believe ppl like u can Ever Give up !
Tcz ..
Anonymous said…
Dear manmooneh
just want to remind u that u taught me to see the full half of the glass ... what happened ?
DO NOT surrender.
Anonymous said…
lol, seba, can u see "the full half of the glass" now ???
i hope so ;)
muna, that's so nice , but still i wanna remind u of something u said :
" everything is okay in the end ... if it's not okay , then it's not the end "
take care .
Anonymous said…
bema enno el kol 3am bezakrek b things u said ... ana 7abbet azakrek b 7ekmet el week -elli by the way, elha 4 months ma t3'ayarat - :
"don't struggle so much , best things happen when not expected " :)
bs la jad kteer 7elweh .
c ya
Mona said…
Guys ... sho malkom ???
givin' up mo ma3natha beddi ante7er !!!!!
i'm still livin :))
as u all know , ana roo7 2albi el comments . bs ana 7abbeh a3raf ara2kom b my writing ya3ni bel poem - it's a poem btw -
thanks alot K.Sal , Seba , Razan and dodo .
Anonymous said…
Muna...that's so amazing..really,
when i read it,i felt that giving up is not an option..i believe that u have great potential and u won't give up so easily ...
just keep it on and try..
take care and good luck..

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